
1) Cynicism, in my opinion, is one of the most unattractive and repulsive qualities a person can have.  I find that most cynics are shortsighted and have no capacity for nuance.  In today’s NYT, Nick Kristof addresses some of the shortcomings of aid and acknowledges the need to spend our dollars wisely.  But when one takes the time to dig a little deeper and get past the pettifog that clouds clear thinking, it becomes evident that there are ways to spend aid dollars efficiently.  And results abound.


2) I stumbled upon a gold mine today.  The Atlantic runs a series called “What I Read” where they ask opinionators, literary figures, reporters, and prominent businessmen to comment about their reading habits and daily news diet.  For a nerd like me, especially a nerd that only gets to consume content instead of create it, this is a very fun.  I finally get to size up the people I rely on to help me understand the world around me.  And I finally understand why these people are so much more informed and so much smarter than me: ALL THEY DO IS READ!  It’s funny how at my sort of job it is taboo to spend more than a few minutes per day reading the newspaper or checking out blogs.  For these guys, that’s their job.  (NOTE: Kudos to The New Yorker.  I don’t think one person failed to mention it as required reading.  Damn uppity media elites.  Stop hating your country!)


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