
1) One of the few good things to come from being diagnosed with cancer is that I’ve changed how I eat. My discipline is far from perfect, but over the past six months I have made a conscious effort to eat healthier.

When I say that I have been eating healthier I don’t necessarily mean a low carbohydrate, low-calorie, “lets-get-lean” diet. I refer more so to a “clean” diet. I’ve read that cancer tumors develop, and are supported, by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. So over the past six months I’ve tried to reduce my refined sugar intake. This means I’ve cut down on artificially sweetened drinks and foods, foods made with white flour, and foods with “simple carbohydrates,” such as candy and boxed cereal…which I love(d).

In my quest to eat healthier I take in more fruits and vegetables, which are high in complex carbohydrates. I eat a ton of zucchini, green beans, and salads. Also, I try to buy organic. Now I know what you’re thinking, “get the Harper’s magazine out of your hybrid-driving, sandal wearing ass.” But just today I read that 80% of all antibiotics in the US are pumped into our livestock’s food and farmers use tons of pesticides on fruits and vegetables, which are believed to cause hormone-related cancers such as breast, prostate, and of course, testicular. A few extra dollars for anti-biotic free meats and pesticide-free, organic vegetables is a small price to pay for my health.

2) Here’s hoping for a big Miami Heat win tonight.

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